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< Revelation >

The “Revelation of Jesus Christ” is the last message from heaven recorded in the scriptures. God gave it to Jesus who sent his angel to deliver it to the apostle John, exiled by the Romans on the island of Patmos, to show his disciples events which were to happen in the earth beginning shortly after the prophecy was received (Revelation 1:1-2).Waiting for response for Revelation 1:1-2 The revelation was “signified”, i.e. expressed in signs, so it is necessary to compare scripture with scripture to determine what the symbols mean. Those who study the Bible carefully and have a knowledge of history can readily see that God remarkably revealed beforehand what would happen during the two thousand years from John’s day to the coming of Christ. A blessing is pronounced on those who read this prophecy intelligibly and respond to the instructions therein (Revelation 1:3),Waiting for response for Revelation 1:3 and they are also blessed now in being able to see the hand of God at work throughout history and in making themselves ready for the return of the Lord Jesus.