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< Matthew >

There are four biographies of Jesus in the New Testament, through Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, each looking at his life from a different point of view and therefore emphasising, and including or omitting, events according to this viewpoint. Matthew, addressing especially the first Jewish Christians, wrote of Jesus as the promised King of Israel giving more prominence than the other biographers to this aspect of Christ’s role in the purpose of God. For instance, Matthew’s first sentence declares Jesus is the son of David, because it was to that king of Israel that God promised, a thousand years earlier, that a descendant of his would sit on his throne and reign over Israel for ever. These four biographies correspond to those indicated by the four faces of the cherubim Ezekiel 1:10.Waiting for response for Ezekiel 1:10 Matthew emphasising Jesus as "The King of Israel" and therefore corresponds with the face of a lion.

The first seven chapters describe Jesus' birth and introduction to Israel at the age of thirty, and record some detailed teaching of Jesus to his disciples.