Talk Truths
Two malefactors were crucified alongside Jesus,v.32Luke 23:32XWaiting for response one of whom joined in the mocking of Jesus v.39Luke 23:39XWaiting for response but the other recognised that, while he himself had done wrong and was receiving a just reward, Jesus was completely innocent.v.41Luke 23:41XWaiting for response He clearly believed the gospel for he requested: “Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom”.v.42Luke 23:42XWaiting for response This request accords with a correct understanding of the gospel which proclaimed that one day Jesus will come into his kingdom, the kingdom of God in Israel. The malefactor believed this and requested that Jesus remember him in that day, and Jesus promised to do so, assuring him that he would be with Jesus in that paradise.v.43Luke 23:43XWaiting for response There is no punctuation in the original Greek but, unfortunately, the translators inserted a comma before the word “today” so that many have wrested this scripture and made it mean that Jesus promised the malefactor that he would be with Jesus in paradise that very day! In fact, Jesus was in the grave that and the following two days - certainly not paradise. The paradise which God promises is the transformed land of Israel, when Jesus reigns as the King of the Jews and they shall say, “This land that was desolate is become like the garden of Eden”. Ezekiel 36:35Ezekiel 36:35XWaiting for response Taking the rest of scripture teaching into account, we can appreciate the assurance Jesus gave the malefactor: “Verily I say unto thee today, [this very day when we are dying this cruel death and everything looks hopeless] when I come into my kingdom thou shalt be with me in paradise”.
The prophecy said he would make “his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death” Isaiah 53:9Isaiah 53:9XWaiting for response so Jesus was crucified alongside malefactors v.39Luke 23:39XWaiting for response and afterwards a rich man, Joseph, provided a newly built sepulchre for him.v.53Luke 23:53XWaiting for response And certain women disciples observed where he was laid,v.55Luke 23:55XWaiting for response prepared spices and ointment for the body, and waited for the passing of the Sabbath days.
Jesus died at the sixth hour, noon, and the veil of the temple was rent to show that the way into the Most Holy, the immortal state, had been opened by his death.
Jesus knew that God would soon awake him from the sleep of death and with his last breath he cried to his Father: “Into thy hands I commend my spirit”. This spirit was his breath which he knew would soon return to him after he had “breathed out” his last breath, which is the meaning in the original of the phrase translated “gave up the ghost”.
Verses 2-3,38
Luke 23:2-3,38XWaiting for responseWhen the Jews brought Jesus before the Roman governor early in the morning they had to alter the charge. Pilate would not have crucified him for saying he was the Son of God Luke 22:70-71Luke 22:70-71XWaiting for response and so they said he made himself a king which was treason against Caesar. Jesus claimed to be the Christ, the Messiah who is the King of Israel therefore Pilate asked him: “Art thou king of the Jews?" which Jesus answered in the affirmative: “Thou sayest”. He was crucified with the accusation above his head “THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS”.