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< James 2 >

Verses 1-11

James 2:1-11XWaiting for response

The disciples of Christ are not to be respecters of persons.v.1James 2:1XWaiting for response They must not despise the poor in the congregation,vs.2-4James 2:2-4XWaiting for response especially as God hath “chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him”.v.5James 2:5XWaiting for response Anyone, rich or poor, can inherit eternal life but throughout the ages the rich have had too much to enjoy in this life while the poor gladly accepted God’s promise of blessing in the future age. We live at a time when people enjoy material wealth beyond the dreams even of kings and emperors in past ages, therefore we should beware of the snare of riches. All disciples are required to obey the royal law: “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” v.8James 2:8XWaiting for response (Leviticus 19:18)Leviticus 19:18XWaiting for response for this comprehends all other commandments concerning our treatment of others.vs.8-11;James 2:8-11XWaiting for response Romans 13:9Romans 13:9XWaiting for response

Verses 14-26

James 2:14-26XWaiting for response

While acknowledging the vital importance of faith, James emphasised the need to manifest it by deeds,vs.14-16James 2:14-16XWaiting for response for faith without works is dead.vs.17,20James 2:17,20XWaiting for response Even men afflicted by mental illness (supposedly “possessed of devils”) expressed belief in the one true God,v.19James 2:19XWaiting for response and many people may claim to believe the gospel, but only by our deeds can we show this is true. Abraham, the father of the faithful, Romans 4:16Romans 4:16XWaiting for response demonstrated his faith by his works. God had declared that the promised seed would come through Abraham’s son, Isaac, who had no children. Therefore by obeying the command to slay Isaac he showed his belief in God’s promise and in resurrection of the dead which would need to occur if Isaac died at that time:vs.21-22James 2:21-22XWaiting for response “And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God”.v.23James 2:23XWaiting for response Likewise the example of Rahab, who saved the spies because she believed God would do what he had said, vs.24-25;James 2:24-25XWaiting for response Joshua 2 illustrating the same principle: a person is righteous in God’s sight if he has both faith and works, v.24James 2:24XWaiting for response i.e. he believes God’s promises and acts accordingly.