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< Exodus >

Exodus means “coming out” and the book of this name recounts the events associated with the departure of the people of Israel from Egypt to go to the promised land. Four hundred years beforehand God had told Abraham that his descendants would be oppressed in a land which was not theirs but in the fourth generation they would return to their own land Genesis 15:13-16.Waiting for response for Genesis 15:13-16 The Egyptians proved reluctant to let God’s people go so they were persuaded to do so and in such a way “that God’s name might be declared throughout all the earth” Romans 9:17Waiting for response for Romans 9:17

We should be very interested in this record because God has made similar promises concerning Israel in our own times. In fulfilment of God’s word the Jews have again begun an exodus to the promised land, not only from Egypt, but from all the nations of the earth and in 1948, after nearly 2000 years of their wanderings, the State of Israel was established. God’s purpose is that the Jews will return to the land and this will happen in such a way and with such power that his name will again be declared throughout all the earth Jeremiah 16:14-15Waiting for response for Jeremiah 16:14-15